Bibliography - the scientific work and selected popular texts
M.Ch³odnicki, R. Fattovich, S. Salvatori
The Nile Delta in Transition: A view from Tell el-Farcha [w:] E.C.M. van den Brink /ed./, The Nile Delta in Transition: 4th-3rd Millenium BC, Tel Aviv 1992, s. 43-68
Tell el-Farcha - wzgórze kurczaka, Archeologia ¯ywa 3 (22) 2002: 17-19.
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Tell el-Farkha explorations 1998 - 2006, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, Reports X - XVII, 1999 - 2007
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Polish excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary report 1998-2001,Archeologia, LIII, 2002
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Tell el-Farkha seasons 1998-1999. Preliminary report, MDAIK 58, 2002
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz et all.
Polish excavations at Tell el-Farkha in Nile Delta. Preliminary report 1998-2001, Archeologia LIV (2003): 63-118
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala). Season 2002, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean XIV. Reports 2002, Warsaw 2003 (wyd. 2004): 99-109.
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala)1998-2002, Archéo-Nil 13, 2003 (wyd. 2004): 47-54.
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Preliminary report of the archaeological activity of the Polish Archaeological Mission 2004. Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) 2004, ASAE 80 (2006) 2007: 97-132.
M.Ch³odnicki, K.M.Cialowicz
Polish excavations At Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary report 2004-2005, Archeologia LVII (2006) wyd. 2008: 71-128.
Poczatki cywilizacji egipskiej, Kraków-Warszawa 1999
La naissance d'un royaume. L'Egypte dés la période prédynastique a la fin de I-ére dynastie, Kraków 2001
Wykopaliska w Tell el-Farcha. Niespodzianek ci±g dalszy, Alma Mater 49, 2003: 10-12
Wykopaliska w Tell el-Farcha. Sezon 2004, Alma Mater 63, 2004: 20-22.
Tell el-Farkha 1998-99. Excavations at Western Kom, [w:] Zahi Hawass (ed), Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century, Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists Cairo 2000, Cairo-New York 2003: 130-137.
Tell el-Farkha 2000 Excavations at the Western Kom, [w:] L. Krzy¿aniak, K. Kroeper, M. Kobusiewicz (eds.), Cultural Markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and Recent Research (Studies in African Archaeology 8), Poznañ 2003: 163-176.
From residence to early temple: the case of Tell el-Farkha, [w:] K. Kroeper. M. Ch³odnicki, M. Kobusiewicz, Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa. In Memory of Lech Krzy¿aniak, Poznañ 2007: 917-934.
Ko¶æ i z³oto. Pocz±tki sztuki egipskiej, Katalog wystawy. Kraków - Poznañ 2007
Dziesiêæ lat badañ na Wzgórzu Kurczaka (Tell el-Farcha), Alma Mater 99 (2008): 200-209
The nature of the relation between Lower and Upper Egypt in the Protodynastic Period. A view from Tell el-Farkha, [w:] B. Midant-Reynes, Y. Tristant (eds.), with the collaboration of J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx, Egypt at its Origins 2, OLA 172 (2008): 501-513.
Cult, ideology and social complexity. Introduction, [w:] B. Midant-Reynes, Y. Tristant (eds.), with the collaboration of J. Rowland and S. Hendrickx, Egypt at its Origins 2, OLA 172 (2008): 1035-1038.
Gazelles and ostriches from Tell el-Farkha, [w:] J. ¦liwa (ed.), Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 12, Cracow 2008: 21-34.
K.M.Cialowicz, M.Jucha
Tell el-Farkha 1998-2000. Stratigraphy and Chronology of the Western Kom, [w:] J.Popielska-Grzybowska (ed.) Proceedings of the Second Central European Conference of Young Egyptologists, Warsaw 2003: 29-35.
Cemetery at the Eastern Kom [w:] Ch³odnicki M., Cia³owicz K.M. et al., Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2002-2003, Archeologia LV: 66-68, 2004
The graves of Tell el-Farkha (Seasons 2001-2002) [w:] Hendrikx, S., Friedman, R., Cia³owcz, K.M., Ch³odnicki, M., (red.) Egypt and its Origins. Studies in Memory of B. Adams, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 138: 399-420, 2004
Tell el-Farkha necropolis in 2003 [w:] Kroeper, K., Ch³odnicki, M., Kobusiewicz, M. (red.), Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa, Poznañ: 935-943, 2006
The Graves [w:] Ch³odnicki, M., Cia³owicz, K.M. et al., Polish Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary report 2004-2005, Archeologia LVII: 94-96, 2006
Badania nad pismem egipskim w XIX wieku [w:] Szturc, W., Bizior-Dombrowska, M. (red.) Hieroglifem pisane dzieje... Staro¿ytny Wschód w wyobra¼ni romantyków, Warszawa: 29-52, 2007
Burial custom and political status of local societies. A view from Tell el-Farkha [w:] Midant-Reynes, B., Tristant, Y., Rowland, J., Hendrickx, S. (red.), Egypt and its Origins 2, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 172: 1107-1117, 2008
The Pottery of the Predynastic Settlement, Tell el-Farkha II, 2005.
Tell el-Farcha 1987-1999. Ceramika predynastyczna i wczesnodynastyczna (Tell el-Farkha
1987-1999. Predynastic and Elary Dynastic Pottery), Recherches Archeologiques de 1999-2003, Kraków 2006: 463-465
Naqada IId2/IIIa1 Pottery in the Nile Delta. A View from Tell el-Farkha, Studies in Ancient
Art and Civilization 10, 2007:23-39
Western Kom. The Settlement Pottery of phase 1
[w:] M.Ch³odnicki & K.M.Cia³owicz with contribution by ..., Polis Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2004-2005, Archeologia LVII, 2006 (2007):77-80.
Pottery from the Graves
[w:] M.Ch³odnicki & K.M.Cia³owicz with contribution by ..., Polis Excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2004-2005, Archeologia LVII, 2006 (2007): 97-101.
Tell-el Farcha i rozwój kontaktów handlowych Egiptu od V do pocz±tku III tys. p.n.e., Alma
Mater numer specjalny 99/2008:210-215.
The Corpus of "Potmarks" from the Graves at Tell el-Farkha [w:] Midant-Reynes B. and
Tristant Y. with the collaboration with Rowland J. and Hendrickx S., Egypt at its Origins 2. Proceedings of the International Conference "Origins of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt" Toulouse (France), 5th-8th September 2005, OLA 172, Leuven-Paris 2008:133-149.
P. Ko³odziejczyk
Lower Egypt in modern research on state formation in Egypt, Folia Orientalia 41, 2005.
P. Ko³odziejczyk
Architectonic constructions from western kom in Tell el-Farkha
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G. Pryc
Stone vessels form the Grave 55, Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization nr. 13, 2009 Kraków, (in print)
G. Pryc
Stone vessels frome the Western, Eastern and Central Koms, [in:]Krzysztof M. Cia³owicz, M. Ch³odnicki ed all. Polish excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2006-2007, ARCHEOLOGIA 2009 (in print).
G. Pryc
Stone vessels frome the Western and Eastern Koms, [in:]Krzysztof M. Cia³owicz, M. Ch³odnicki ed all. Polish excavations at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile Delta. Preliminary Report 2004-2005, ARCHEOLOGIA no LVII, 2006, pp. 31-37